A page dedicated to being the best landlords
At Balanced, we understand the challenges of being a landlord. But don't worry, we've got you! We believe that most landlords genuinely want to help their tenants, and that's why we've created a page with institutions, associations, and other resources to help you support your tenants & support communities.
Landlord associations are able to support you with compliance, document templates and more, some even have manned, helplines where you can call and get immediate advice over the phone or online.
Balanced recommends the Eastern Landlords Association as they are a small Association with mighty support & services. The helpline is manned by experienced staff able to answer questions and the association is member owned so you have a say in its management and future.
Sustainable Housing Partnership
The Sustainable Housing Partnership service helps both tenants & landlords, including a named contact to help communication between both parties & more.
We are a client led service supporting households with circumstances identified that has led to them to being at risk of losing accommodation - Notice does not need to be in place.
We will do everything possible to keep tenants in their accommodation, or where more suitable can secure alternate accommodation.
We can work flexibly to ensure the best possible communication between all parties
Safe Suffolk Renters
As a local Landlord, you play an important role in Suffolk's private rented sector (PRS) and local economy. To help support the delivery of safe and healthy homes for the whole county Safe Suffolk renters website provides a host of information, support & guidance to help landlords create safe, compliant homes for their tenants.
Supporting local Charities
Many landlords we meet want to help support local housing charities. Having met the team & Residents at Hebron Housing, Balanced are delighted to support them. They are always on the look out for corporate sponsors, and landlords who may consider letting their properties to the charity. Balanced have seen the great work they do, and the quality accommodation they offer their residents. We can also find you lenders who will lend where you are letting to a charity. If you are letting your property to Hebron, we can support you with your mortgage and halve our broker fee.
Energy Efficient Homes
Having energy efficient properties is not just good for the planet, its good for you and your tenant, here's how:
Energy efficient homes (EPC rating of A & B, and sometimes C) often qualify for cheaper mortgage deals.
In the future it is likely that energy efficient homes will be fare better with lender valuers.
Manageable energy bills reduces the likelihood of rent arrears
Manageable energy bills reduce the likelihood of damp & mold
If your organisation can support tenants and landlords and would like to feature on this page please contact us